Rooms - Bungalows
Restaurant & Bar
These images have been supplied by guests and photographers who have visited Le Lagoto Resort & Spa. We hope they provide you with an idea of the beauty you can expect when you visit.
Terms and conditions of image use:
Terms and conditions of image use:
- The use of Le Lagoto Resort & Spa images contained in this gallery, or on the Le Lagoto Resort & Spa website, is prohibited, except where they are part of a travel brochure, advertisement, or web content, specific to the resort.
- Where images are used elsewhere, they must be credited as ‘Le Lagoto Resort & Spa, Samoa’.
- Specific permission must be sought from the management of Le Lagoto Resort & Spa for the use of any Le Lagoto Resort & Spa image on the front or back cover of a travel brochure, on any other publication, or in the media.
- Please note copyright provisions regarding the use of all Le Lagoto Resort & Spa images.